Thursday, January 8, 2009

First Post

I guess after being a reader and posting regular semi-anonymous comments on blogs I enjoy, I decided to create an account on Blogger.
I'm not sure if this will necessarily evolve into a full blog, but at least I'll post some insights once in a while.


  1. Thanks for all the nice, thoughtful comments you've made the past few months. It's much appreciated.

  2. Thanks ... I'd say, it's been very interesting to read some of your innermost thoughts. Thanks for sharing. I guess now I'm a bit less anonymous through this profile.

  3. your faithful readers are still waiting for some insights....:-)

  4. Agreed ... actually I need to add a link to my actual blog on Xanga.

  5. you already have a blog?? rob.....give us the link! (or is it THAT kind of blog....?) LOL

  6. Well .. the link to the blog is on the "new" posting :) and sadly all the pics are g rated and I make a wonderful 1 billion Zimbabwean dollars off of it which is probably worth a lot less than a euro cent, pence or U.S. penny!
